Bitumen is obtained through crude oil distillation and has many adhesive and waterproofing properties that can be of great help in Austin TX roofing systems.
During the distillation process, plasticizers get removed, and for roofing applications, the bitumen is modified through the use of modifiers like styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) or attactic polypropylene (APP). While SBS gives the roof membranes greater capabilities of expansion and contraction, APP adds to their durability and aging capabilities. Modified bitumen roof coatings are an excellent roofing material for low slope roofs as the bitumen receives its reinforcement from polyester or fiberglass to give roofing surfaces that have greater strength and durability.
In any Austin modified bitumen roof system, a two-ply system is used with rolls that are overlapped over the edges of the previous roll. This roofing system is versatile and can then be finished with a number of different surfaces that can ensure that the roof does not suffer any damage from ultra-violet rays of the sun, and are also are resistant to oxidation. The bitumen helps to make the roofing virtually waterproof. Modified bitumen roof coatings have a high tensile strength that comes from the modified bitumen, and this gives the roofs a high resistance to damage from physical causes, and as a result, these roofs require almost no maintenance. The low slope roofs ensure that water does not pool on their surfaces, and this allows the roofs to rarely experience any damage from moisture. The bitumen that has these additives like SBS and APP also has a high rating against high winds, fire, and hail. It is also easy to address repairs that come from Austin area hail damage to
It is possible to install modified bitumen roofing on flat roofs, where they are often called rubber coatings that use EPDM sheets. Built-up roofing systems originated in the period after 1850 and consist of felts or other reinforcing materials with layers of bitumen. Modified bitumen roof coatings are hybrid systems that were introduced after 1970. These roofing systems have more plies that offer greater protection. These roofing systems have a much lower life-cycle cost than most other systems, and their success rate has a history that indicates that most of these roofs exceed their expected service life. Their larger critical mass allows them to be able to tolerate a greater amount of punishment to their surfaces. It is very easy to maintain these roofs, and repairs need nothing more than conventional materials. Proper maintenance and repair can greatly extend their service life.
Modified bitumen has greatly added to improvements in built-up roofing materials and made this roofing system one of very high quality. In this process, polymers change the properties of the bitumen and allow it to resist a wide range of roof temperatures. These roofing systems are often produced in factories with sheets made of fabrics that have the modified bitumen formulated in them. They are then fixed on to base material on roofs with adhesives, cold asphalt or using torches to melt the bitumen on to the roof bases. This factory made roofing rolls come in a range of colors, specifications, and styles that can meet any particular requirements. The controlled factory conditions allow these membranes to have better resistance to shock, tear, and puncture. The prefabricated manufacturing process also ensures that every layer or ply is independently watertight.
Most modified bitumen roofing installations do not require any specialized equipment and that used for traditionally built up roofing will suffice. Inspection during installation also makes it easy for making any corrections during the application of the roofing. No ballast or gravel is required and this can greatly reduce the load on roofs. When these materials have properly adhered to a roof, they have an excellent resistance to wind, besides great tensile strength that can resist any elongation caused by variations in temperature or even foot movement over them. It is very easy to maintain and repair these roofs, but this will require regular inspection of roof surfaces that identify the defects that need attention.
The performance of a roof is often dependent on the efficiency and expertise of its installer. Its durability can be extended if proper attention is paid to maintenance. This requires regular inspection and a sound structure that does not add to any stresses on the roofing material. It must also be ensured that all the components and materials used in roofing are compatible with each other. There can be variables during construction that can affect installation and these must be known and properly controlled. Every roof needs to be regularly inspected throughout its life cycle, and any required repairs or maintenance must be scrupulously carried out.
Roofs can represent just a small part of the capital cost of any building, but they are required to perform at a hundred percent if the contents of the building and its structure have to be protected from the weather. It is important that there must be a proper understanding of modified bitumen roof coatings before any design of the roof structure or its roof specification is decided. The roof geometry plays a major part in the selection of roofing systems and can be dictated by the height, the square footage, and its slope. The use that is to be made of the building, location of the building and local environmental conditions can also be a determining factor.
It is best to have any decided roofing system installation be carried out by professional Austin TX roofing contractors who have experience and the right workers who are familiar with modified bitumen roofing, as it is a known fact that a roof is only as good as its installer. Proper schedules are needed to be drawn up for inspection and maintenance throughout the life of the roof, and this can greatly reduce the costs of repairs and add to its service life. These should be carried out at proper intervals and documentation of the roof, based on checklists must be maintained, as they can go a long way to indicate possible problems.