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Inside my 10-secrets videos you’ll discover:
- 1.) This epic fail is in most Austin area homes. It results in wasting $0.30 of every $1 spent on cooling. It is why some rooms are hotter than others.
- 2.) The replacement windows myth. The most expensive mistake homeowners make is with replacement windows. We dive into building science to reveal the most critical holes to seal and why. Plus, discover what causes indoor air quality problems.
- 3.) The recessed lights problem. How “air-tight” recessed lights result in tons of waste each year. Discover where the holes are in your house. And the #1 insulation malpractice. It isn’t what you would think.
- 4.) Why removing your existing insulation is essential. Hint, the old stuff trap pollutants inside a home. Plus, how to avoid growing mold after insulating.
- 5.) What grows inside homes due to Austin’s humidity. Get the inside scoop on how to manage humidity 24/7/365 effectively. You’ll also be able to stop creating a dust mite grow house.
- 6.) The nasty place where 40% of your breathing air comes from. Why rooms above the garage are so uncomfortable most of the year. Also, discover what types of insulation must never go in a crawlspace.
- 7.) Why new construction homes are often uncomfortable. The other guys install insulation products that are not effective. I’ll reveal why they do it. Plus, why we usually don’t work with contractors or builders.
- 8.) How your attic insulation is attracting mice and cockroaches. Find out what to do to pest-proof your home with the right insulation. Plus how to avoid this mistake that makes your insulation smell like urine.
- 9.) Why fiberglass insulation is so popular and terrible. Plus, learn how cellulose compares to fiberglass. And what causes spray foam to be more expensive.
- 10.) How to properly and permanently fix your crawlspace. I’ll explain when insulating the underside of the floor decking is okay and how we manage mold, wood rot, & foundation problems.
Now complete the form above to get FREE Access to all these resources! Or call Stellrr at (512) 710-2839, and we will send them to you immediately.

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